This is a site about some of my favorite things. |
Be sure to check some of my links out. |
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Stephen King is probably my most favorite author of all time.�I plan to have reviews and such about his novels, and it should be up and running shortly. |
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Doyle's stories about Sherlock Holmes are certainly some of the most entertaining works of litereature ever written. Now, due to copyright laws, I can't put all of his stories on my page. However, I'm working on putting the rest of his stories here, so if you want to read some holmes, here's the place to come.� |
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William Shakespeare wrote the best plays ever acted on a stage.� "He was a genius." says my english teacher. I couldn't agree more. My favorite plays are Julius Caesar, Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet.� However,�everything he wrote was good and his works are some of� the best literature ever written. |
One of my most favorite things to do is watch movies. Here is some information on some movies I've seen recently, my favorite movies, and AFI's top 100 list. |
Alrighty. Those of you that know me, know that I don't agree with what my english teacher says about the literature we read. The reasons are too numerous to go into here, but let's just say that I think her viewpoints are a little weird sometimes. Don't get me wrong. I think she's a wonderful teacher and a very nice person, I just don't understand what the heck she's talking about. Of course, I'm an idiot, and she's freakin' Einstein, that could be a reason that she's over my head. Anyway, I have saved everything we have read this year, in hopes that someone else will understand what I'm talking about. I don't understand a word of this stuff. |